Thursday, February 14, 2008

Aristocats (And the word I)

I probably should try another post that isn't completly random. (I think it might be short)

I am watching the Aristocats. I love that movie. I haven't seen it in forever. I probably should stop using sentences that start with I. I keep doing that. I don't know why. I am doing to purpously. I love the movie anyway. I think it is funny. I could have used other words in the sentences to go use.

I laughed at one of my friends got a Valentine's Day gift for her boyfriend. I was also laughing because he gave her stuff too. I was making fun of them also because he got her something.

I am getting tired of using only the word I. I can't stay on one topic. I think it is impossible.

I really am going to stop.

This is such a cute movie. I got it today for Valentine's Day. It is a really good movie. Edger is mean.

Today we extracted DNA from bananas in science.

"It's time to practice your scales and your Arpeggios."

"Mama, he did it again."

I love this movie. I love the song Everybody wants to be a cat. We have a video of me singing that to everyone in the waiting room of the hospital why my sister was being born. (Forever ago) I still love singing.

I also love Newies. It is very nice to quote. Like....

"You've been in a bad mood all day." and more.

"So that's Creme de la Cream alla Edger"
Sorry Aristocats again. I am very random. I will be saying something and then I will say something I see like. "Oh, horse" or "It's a kittie" It scares some people.

An Arpeggio is a broken cord.

"Everybody wants to be a cat!"

Oh no! The cute kitties were stolen and fell off the motercycle in to the water. And I didn't think windmills were that common in France. I think I am just going to give you a commentary of the movie. I you don't want to read it you don't have too.

Pause movie to talk to my little sister

Start movie again....

Ahh his shoes fell off.

Edger busted through the windmill. The kitties are lost. *tear*tear* They wake up. Marie is in a tree.

Well I am going to stop now.

Good Bye!


DragonRider said...

I like that movie, too. It seems like you could quote the whole movie.:-)
Since you said stuff about scales. I was practicing my Sax today. I was working on my music and memorizing the scales and arpigios(I don't think i spelled that right). Anyways I have 4 more scales to memorize plus i have to be able to play them in under three min. (10 scales plus the cromatic).

Calsie Rael said...

I actually hadn't seen it for a while before yesterday. I was just watching it while I was writing the post.

Damation said...

ha ha. that post made me really LOL