Sunday, February 10, 2008


I really have nothing to say I am just bored. (It happens) This just might be really really random. (again it happens) Has anyone ever played dork ball, it is really, really fun. But dangerous. I think I nearly died. Well for those people who don't know what dork ball is, it is hard to explain. (look it up) A few years ago my youth group played bowling with frozen cornish hens. Commercials are really annoying. There are only a few funny ones and the other ones are really boring, or other stuff. I like watching kid shows commercials yippie! I babysat 2 little kids this summer and all the littlest one wanted to watch was PBS kids or Thomas the Train. And little kids are ADD so 5 minutes after I would put it in he would change his mind. And he wanted to watch it every day. I am really bad at spelling and I don't like paragraphs a lot as you may be able to tell. I spell check these when ever I remember and there are a lot of mistakes. Well I am not the worst speller in the world. I have a friend who ask me how to spell the simplist words like "died" and other words. It is kinda sad. What is also sad is that I have a friend who forgot the alphabet. (Sorry if you are reading this but it is true and funny and I told you that you are never going to live it down) I have a song from hairspray stuck in my head. I went to a thing yesterday and they sang that song a lot. It was annoying. It is a good song but I don't want it in my head. They also sang there own version of a song from Newsies. I love that movie! If you don't love it, don't tell me. But it is a really good movie with good songs. I was singing them last night. Hahaha! I even watched part of it last night. I have the CD somewhere. I need to put it on my iPod. Anyway my fingers are hurting from typing. Apparetnly I type really fast. That is what everyone says. I don't type slow and i guess I type fast. But I don't know. I have been told that I was ADD. I believe that everyone is ADD. One of my friends is ADDBJ (ADD because of Jacob(her boyfriend)) It is funny. People should comment because I like comments and they make me happy so if you want me to be happy comment. If you don't want me to be happy, comment. (and if you don't want me to be happy you are evil and i should shun you) Well anyway. bye


Misha said...

Lol! I love the movie Newsies! My and my sister were really big fans of that movie and we kept on telling my mom to buy it and we even looked for it, but we couldn't find it anywhere. But I got it for Christmas! :) They have the best songs don't they?!

Calsie Rael said...

I love Newsies! We have had it for forever. I have the soundtrack too. I love it.

Zoe said...

You are mean... so if I didn't comment I'm evil? HEY!
maybe I should test that theory... hmm.