Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Drivers Ed is finally over!!!!!!!!! Band!!!

It's over. All we have to do is take the test. I'm happy. Then I have to do the summer driving stuff but that probably won't be as bad.

Fitness Testing
So.....What to say? Well I'm horrible at any physical activity. I don't like exercising. If I'm having fun that's a different story. But If I'm bored. Ahhhhhhhhh. But the state says we had to do these fitness test. No one wants to. We had to get weighed (ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh[breath]ahhhhhhhhhhhh) measured and then do the test. We had to do a flex test. It really hurt. I don't know how to really explain it but it hurts so bad. We had to see how many curl-ups and push ups you could do. (not very many) We has to do pacing or something like that. It's running, it's horrible. We had to run to a recording. (the push ups and curl ups were also on a tape) We had to run back and forth. I did 15 which was more than I though I could do. Some one did 100. It was insane.

I love band! Today was really funny! I kinda feel sorry because some people (2) were really embarrassed. But it was funny! I have a friend who has a boyfriend who she really likes. We always joke about them getting married. They both made the youth symphony orchestra so our band director (my friend's boyfriend's dad) said "Ya'll should all congratulated J and L...." He paused just so some one could say "...........are getting married" (that wasn't the only comment made) Everyone started laughing. L didn't blush as much as we thought she would. It was so funny though. Our band director was like "Umm. Well I didn't know about that" When we started playing again I kept laughing. At lunch she was like "Why did this have to happen today?" I was like "It could have happened another day, why is today so bad?" And then we realized that one of our friends wasn't there which was really good because if she was she would have made so much fun of them. We told one of my more gullible (and not the smartest person around) what happened and she kept asking when they were getting married. We were just laughing at her. (We do that all the time, she doesn't get really any jokes[except laughy Taffy jokes and other corny ones] forgot her alphabet [I'm not joking] and will believe whatever you tell her.) So she was pretty confused about that. One of my friends made L a "Poor L Card" in our computer class. She put 2 coupons in there. One that she would be nice to L for a day. And one that she will nice to J for a day. She doesn't like J for some reason. I don't know why. She just can't stand him. She was sad because she forgot to put an expiration date. We said that L would give it to her when her and J get married. I was wrong with her last boyfriend but I might be right about them getting married this time. I might be right eventually.

Moral of that whole story is that band's fun despite what other people say.


Zuzu said...

Good job on finishing drivers ed!!

Fitness testing sounds pretty bad. I bet I would fail.

Lol about band! :)

Sarah said...

LOL!! That was funny! Poor L... what's the percentenge that their gonna get married? (lol)

Misha said...

Haha! You're a good writer!

Calsie Rael said...

To Sarah: I don't know. I'm going to go with 50%.

To Mitzi: Thanks

Damation said...

50%? lol