Monday, May 5, 2008

Narnia, Cinco de Mayo, Indiana Jones, Irish Whistle

As I might have said earlier, I use to be obsessed with Narnia. I knew a lot about everything. I've read the books over and over again, I have the dramatised audio CDs (listening to Prince Caspian right now) Yesterday I watched The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe. Afterwards I wanted to watch the next movie. I've been so excited about it. Except I was expecting the guy who played Prince Caspian to be cute. He's not. My sister and mom thinks he is but..... Well I'm still really excited about seeing the movie. We are planning on going to see it opening day. May 16!!!!!! I'm excited! I've said that a couple of times. Yesterday I decided how it's should start but with all my luck it won't start how I want it to. I think that Prince Caspian is a very good story. It is one of the best. I don't know what my favorite. They all are good.

Cinco de Mayo

Today is Cinco de Mayo. I don't really have anything to say though.

Indiana Jones

I've seen 2 of the Indiana Jones movies. They were pretty good. Now the 4th one is coming out May 22nd. It should be good but I'm just going to say that it's been almost 20 years since they made the last one. Then out of no where they are just gong to make another one. Just seems random. Kinda weird.

Irish Whistle

I got an Irish Whistle for my birthday. I'm trying to learn how to play it. The fingerings are similar to the saxophone so it wasn't too hard to learn the fingerings. There were only a couple that I had to learn. This morning I wrote a song with it. It is a pretty hard song but it is really cool.

1 comment:

Zoe said...

Don't worry, I don't think he's cute either. But you already new that. lol!