Monday, May 12, 2008


Hey! I don't really have anything to say but I figured that I haven't posted in a while so I might as well.

My Pen
One thing about the end of school is all the stuff you have to go to. Today I had (well didn't have to but needed to) go to this thing where the recognized all the people in my school who made state (I was on that list!!!) And I got a pen. Maybe it's cool looking but I'm probably never going to use it. I like pencils better. But I was the only one in my (well it's on really mine but the one that I'm in) quartet to even show up. So when he announced the sax quartet it was me. And he said my name wrong. But everyone does. I really don't see why. My names not that hard. I never get it wrong. (OK I have forgotten how to spell it but it happens) They did it twice on the announcements. Ahhhh. It happens i guess.

I passed my driving test. I get my permit tomorrow. Isn't everyone excited? Probably not. My mom was mad that I didn't get it today. She thinks I'm delaying it. I'm not. I did horrible but I passed which is all that matters. (and that reminds of of the Addison Road song All That Matters even though it is irrelevant to what I just said. I just said all that matters so there)

All That Matters
I love Addison Road!!!!!!!! (It's a band) They have a song called All That Matters. And it is my theme song. So listen to it. Love it. Get it on iTunes so go to Wal Mart and buy the CD. It's amazing.

I have friends. I have insane friends. But my 2 best friends in the world live no where even close. It's sad. That's really all I have to say. Just came in my head.

Awards Banquet
For some reason (that I'm completely unaware of) I was invited to an Awards Banquet. I don't know why. I guessed because I made STATE but that is at a UIL Banquet or something (great another thing I have to go to) I really don't want to go. I think it will be boring. Really boring. It probably will be. I don't know what award I got (it's top secret apparently) or why I would have got it.

Band Concert
My band has a concert Friday. We were planning on doing it outside but the weather might not be too nice, so. But I'm nervous. We got one song like a week ago and I can't play some parts. And worst part is that the ensembles that made STATE (maybe the solo's I don't know) are also playing. I'm nervous. I think it's horrible. State is next Friday and right now.... We're OK but not that good. So we'll see what happens. We are playing Stars and Stripes Forever, a song called Crusin' (really fun), and Friends in Low Places. (Some weird country song)

Well I'm really suppose to get ready for bed because I have to get to school early tomorrow. So bye.


Brooke said...

Good job on getting your permit! It is exciting! ;)

I really like Addison Road too.

Zuzu said...

That is great that you are getting your permit!! :D :D

Some of my good friends live sorta far away too. I don't get to see them that much. :(

Zoe said...

That's awesome! Although I talk to you so much I already knew everything on there! lol!