Saturday, March 22, 2008

Random Hyperness/ Boredom

Being hyper and bored is a bad combination for nearly everyone I know. Especially my little sister, Aryra. I really have nothing to add to that.

I just got back from a Christian convention, competition thing. We left Wednesday and just got a back about an hour or 2 ago. We do this every year and don't usually leave until Friday and we usually get back Sunday but since it was Spring Break we changed things up a bit. Wednesday we spent most of the day getting there. But we got to see a friend of ours who moved. That was good. Thursday was sorta fun but not. We took a tour of an office building, went to a aquarium(I got another stuffed manatee), ate a Cheesecake Factory (i was sick) Then we practically shopped for the rest of the day (one of my least favorite activities. We did go to this place called IKEA that was kinda cool. I got some cheep stuff for my room. Well I'm going to skip Friday (because i don't really remember), This morning we did our chorus thing and did great. Except I kinda lost my voice. After that we left.

Dinner tonight was absolutely horrible. It was good but now I'm sick (again). We got ice cream at cold stone. I got a Love It when I should have gotten a Like It and now I am suffering the consequences. But I'll live.

Well I think we might watch a movie tonight. Bye


Anonymous said...

Doesn't sound like the best time in the world.

Zuzu said...

I'm sorry your sick! My brother got sick a couple days ago. :(

I like ikea! Its really big, but its cool.

Anonymous said...

If you sponsor a child, go to my blog. If you don't sponsor a child, go to my blog because you should be sponsoring one : ) (I've also mentioned adoption etc.)

Misha said...

I <3 icecream! Coldstone's really good. I don't go there very often though.