Monday, March 31, 2008

My Tooth (Tragic Story) J/K

A couple of weeks ago I was forced against my will to go to the dentist. I am not the biggest fan of the dentist. They seem to be nice people when they are not poking my gums (making them bleed), telling me everything I'm doing wrong, numbing my mouth for hours, gagging me, etc.

But while I was at the dentist they looked at my last x-rays and saw that I had a tooth in there that was suppose to fall out any day 6 months ago. But no. It was still in there. OK. Most people my age and younger have already lost all their baby teeth, but this one liked me too much and didn't want to leave. But they said that the tooth was growing under there (they over-exaggerated.) And that if the one on top didn't get out the tooth under it might get a cavity and then bad stuff. They said that if I didn't get it out in 2 weeks I would of had to go back so they could pull it out. I promised that it would be out in that time. Going back to the dentist to get a shot to numb me for 3 hours while they pull out my tooth isn't the most happy thought. So I worked on it, and worked on it, and worked on it. And nothing. So my dad tried. At first I was willing but it hurt. I spent church that morning in pain.

My dad said that he was going to get it out when he got back from out of town. My sister begged to watch. I told her that she couldn't watch my agony but she did. I made up for it. I was hyperventilating (over exaggeration) and freaking out. But my dad got it out. For the next several minutes or hour, it bled profusely. I had a paper towel to put on it and used pressure but nothing helped. I eventually just left it alone. Well then I look to see what is there and I see about 2 small white dots and that's it. I thought or at least was hoping that there would be more than that. Now I feel like a piece of me is missing. And there is. My tongue moves over there and there is a gap. It's so sad. OK I'll get over it. But my jaw hurt really bad for the rest of the night. My tooth is in the bathroom just so everyone knows. And that night when I brushed my teeth my tooth brush got blood on it because my mouth started bleeding again. But it is all worth it because now I don't have to go to the dentist for 6 months or more.

P.S. I have nothing against dentist, one of my friends wants to be one. I just don't like being gagged (happens a lot), numbed (it hurts), poked to the point of bleeding (how can they say that my gums are bleeding because I don't brush them good enough when they are being poked by a sharp needle like thing, and etc. They are nice, talk to me, good people, bad job. Now I feel bad because I have said all these bad stuff about the dentist and it is not the people. It is the equipment and profession. I don't mean any offence. I like the dentist better because they play K-Love and other Christian Music.


Zuzu said...

OWWW!! It sounds like it would really hurt! I dislike going to the dentist too. You totally described how I feel about the dentists. Good people, bad job. :)

Anonymous said...

I am not a fan of going to the dentist either.

Zoe said...


Misha said...

Do you still get money for losing teeth? Losing teeth at my house was such a big deal! It usually happened at bedtime. Then the person with the hole in her mouth would go around proudly showing everyone, and in the morning was so happy that the tooth fairy decided to stop by on such short notice! lol!

Calsie Rael said...


Misha said...

Me too!
At this dentists office, they serve coffee in the waiting room!!! And you can add sugar. Isn't that weird!? I mean, what kind of dentist serves things that stain your teeth, and are bad for them? Lol- I thought it was really funny :)

Brooke said...

Wow that sounds really painful! That's good that you didn't have to got to the dentist though. =)